Polystyrene Recycling Machine Achieve: The Green Mountains and Clear Rivers We are Looking Forward to

The world produces about 2.8 tons of waste plastics every year, but less than 10% of plastics are recycled. In contrast, most of them go into nature, oceans, and forests. 

If there is no plastic recycling industry, hundreds of years later, the world will be full of plastics, and human beings may become “ancient humans” in 10,000 years, and the “plastic civilization” will become our “ancient civilization”.

Polystyrene foam has excellent long-lasting thermal insulation, water resistance, shock resistance, aging resistance, and unique cushioning. 

Therefore, it has been widely used in construction, packaging, electronic and electrical products, ships, vehicles and aircraft manufacturing, decoration materials, housing construction and other fields that have greatly facilitated our lives.

However, more than 50% of electronic and electrical shockproof packaging, fish boxes and agricultural products packaging are discarded after one use.

Because EPS is anti-bacterial, weather-resistant, and corrosion-resistant, it can be completely degraded under 300 years of oxygen, and a large amount of waste is discarded. 

In the natural environment, plastic foam has become a “white pollution” that affects the living environment of the earth. Recycling EPS foam becomes especially important. Polystyrene densifier will maximize the value of EPS recovery. 

INTCO GREENMAX Polystyrene recycling machine adopts European and American core technologies and provides one-stop recycling and recycling. It can reduce the size of EPS materials and the compression ratio can reach 50:1 or 90:1. 

The finished product is an EPS block with a density of up to 330kg/m3. The EPS foam compressed block can be turned into a recyclable product with high value and recycled foams can be produced into mirror frames, photo frames and other products.

Recycling 1 ton of waste foam = reducing 2 tons of carbon emissions = reducing the use of 3 tons of crude oil = saving 40 trees from being felled.

INTCO recycles 60,000 tons of foam each year = reduces 120,000 tons of carbon emissions-reduces the use of 180,000 tons of crude oil = 2.4 million trees prevented from being felled.

Recycling styrofoam and reducing environmental pollution is the responsibility of each of us. With the increase in environmental awareness and the use of advanced styrofoam densifier, polystyrene recycling operations will be launched globally. We look forward to seeing the green mountains and clear rivers!

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